February 12, 2011

Tips For Taking Portraits Of Children

Sometimes It's hard to get good pictures of kids. They are usually on the go and have little patience to sit for a picture. In this article I'll share with you some of my ideas to make them more comfortable.

My very first photo shoot was of my friends children Selena, Tava and Zimari.  I had bought some fun props. I wanted to get some pictures with bubbles and  the brightly colored bubble bottles in them. I had also brought a pack of chalk for them to draw with. It's great to get the colors from the chalk and as a bonus their art work into the pictures. If you give kids something fun to do it may help them feel more comfortable getting their pictures taken.

Tava November 2010

If you don't have something on hand to give them you could use what is around you. I saw this big grassy hill that I thought the kids would like to roll down. The kids loved the idea and I had a good time trying not to fall on my face while getting a good picture. I didn't fall and I got my shot of the youngest daughter with a great big smile on her face and the bright green grass really makes this picture pop.

Justin & Elijah 2008

Sometimes pictures are just waiting for you to take them you don't have to plan anything at all just look for the special moments. My boyfriend Justin and I went to the beach with our nephew Elijah one day. They were having a great time trying to find crabs amongst the rocks. I thought it was precious when Elijah used his Uncle Justin's back to stabilize himself from falling.I also thought the color of the seaweed, rocks and water would make a great backdrop for the picture.

Jason 2010
Me and my friend Amy were at the playground one day taking some pictures of her son Jason. I was very excited that day because I had just bought my new camera the Nikon D90. Jayson didn't want to sit still for me so I got some pictures by playing tag with him. I had a lot of fun trying to fit my big butt into all those tight spaces. My favorite picture of him that day was when he stopped for a rest. He hugged one of the big wooden support beams and I took my shot.

Sometimes the best pictures will happen naturally. You just have to be ready to catch them when they come.

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