Most times pictures are taken from one angle, straight on. In this article Ill help you see how placing your camera in places you may not of once thought of could help make your pictures a little more interesting.
My daughter Lily is so little. When she was born she weighed six pounds. When she was six months old she weighed fifteen pounds. Shes a peanut as people say. There's this nice town park we like to go to called Borderland. It has this wonderful old home with a cobble stone driveway. I wanted to capture that stone in a picture so I took a picture while holding my camera directly above Lily's head. The picture is adorable. First you notice the knitted hat that her great grandmother made her but them you see her beautiful blue eyes. Look closer and you'll notice her little pink shoes and the cobble stone driveway that is the background for that picture. The photo shows how tiny she once was. |

I also used this same angle to take there picture but this time I was looking to get the pine trees and sky as there background. I remember rolling all over the ground saying, "trust me I know what m doing" I think that I made them laugh rolling around like a weirdo, witch made the picture even better.
You have to be careful with taking pictures up at people because this angle can be unflattering to some. It may make there chins stand out and make them look bigger than they actually are. If you take a picture looking down at someone or yourself the picture will most likely come out much more flattering. All of these portraits were taken with a point and shoot camera the Nikon CoolPix camera. So you'll be able to get these same results with any camera. Happy Shooting!